Sugar-Free Gum Could Save $4.1 Billion in Dental Costs

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If current consumers of sugar-free chewing gum increase their consumption by just one piece per day, $4.1 billion could be saved worldwide on dental expenditures from treating tooth decay each year, according to the Institute of Empirical Health Economics (IEHE). These savings would include $2.07 billion in the United States, $1.1 billion in Europe, and $149 million in China.

Chewing increases salivary flow, which helps remove leftover food debris while neutralizing and washing away the acids that are produced when food is broken down by the bacteria in plaque on teeth. This acid can break down tooth enamel. Also, the increased saliva provides more calcium and phosphate to help strengthen the enamel.

According to the ADA, chewing sugarless gum for 20 minutes after a meal can help prevent tooth decay. While sugarless gum should not replace brushing and flossing with a Read More Here