Mario – Smile Makeover
My name is Mario Sacouto. I used to have a removable denture that was created many years ago by my regular dentist at the time. My regular time just passed away and I decided to get a new dentist. I visited Dr. Regenstein. He examined my mouth, and we had a problem in one of my teeth, and he recommended that I pull that tooth out. But that was one of the teeth where my denture was resting, so after the tooth was taken out, the denture could not be set as it was before. Dr. Regenstein started talking to me about implants and saying that instead of doing a new removable denture, that I should consider pulling all the teeth I had up there, which were not in very good condition, and get some implants and set a new fixed denture on the implants. For that, they recommended that I should see Dr. Sonick. Dr. Sonick did the surgery for that. He took all the teeth out in the upper part of my mouth, and he set six implants. With six implants, he said we could have enough of a base to create a new fixed denture. And that’s what he did. It took about a year-and-a-half, you know, to go through all the steps of surgery and creating the implant and healing and finally, a couple of months ago, my fixed denture was set in place. Today, I can say it is working very, very well. I am very happy. The denture is working totally well. I can eat without any restrictions, my smile is fine and I am very happy.