Dr. Sonick volunteers in Amazon villages for 2012 Healing the Children

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A  twenty-three member volunteer team, organized by Healing the Children Northeast, returned from Peru after providing free dental care to children in indigenous villages along the Amazon River. During the 6 clinical days, the team treated 317 patients and provided 375 extractions, hygiene to 85 patients and 417 teeth were restored. The total value of donated services was $273,300.

Husband and wife team, Dr. Michael Sonick and Carole Sonick of Fairfield County Implants and Periodontics, PC took part in their first overseas volunteer dental mission. Working together, the Sonicks’ experienced a dental environment unlike their office in Fairfield, Connecticut. “The Peruvian dental mission was extremely gratifying. The patients were very appreciative and kind. Visiting Peru made me much more appreciative of our dental practice and where we live”, Michael Sonick stated warmly.  Both have already committed to joining another volunteer dental mission in 2013.

For more information, or to support Healing the Children, please visit their website