Study Sheds New Light on the Link Between Oral Bacteria and Diseases

Researchers in Sweden have identified the most commonly found bacteria in severe oral infections. This is terrain is relatively new as there are few studies like this that have ever been done until now, and the team is currently very hopeful that this study can offer much needed deeper insight into the connection between oral bacteria and other diseases. While... read more »

Is It Better to Brush Your Teeth Before Breakfast or After

From the NYT - by Hannah Seo Everyone knows that you should brush your teeth at least twice a day: once in the morning and once before bedtime. But when it comes to your morning routine, is it better to brush before or after breakfast? The truth is that few studies have looked into this question and their results have... read more »

The Periodontitis–Diabetes Link Goes Both Ways

Written by Miriam E. Tucker, for Medscape October 21, 2022 Please note that researchers published the study covered in this summary on Research Square as a preprint that has not yet been peer-reviewed. Key Takeaways The link between type 2 diabetes and periodontitis was bidirectional in a retrospective cohort study of a representative sample of Taiwanese adults older than 40 years of age... read more »

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Tied to More Gum Disease

According to a study published online on Sept. 16 in the Journal of Periodontology, patients who have inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) also experience a significantly higher frequency of periodontitis than healthy controls, Giacomo Baima, D.D.S., from the University of Turin in Italy, along with his colleagues, assessed the prevalence and risk indicators of periodontitis in patients suffering from Crohn disease... read more »

Tooth Loss Increases Risk of Death in Older Adults

By Alex Dagostino, associate editor October 10, 2022 -- Oral health is linked to everything from Alzheimer's disease to arthritis, but evidence of the association between the mouth and mortality is still lacking. Researchers analyzed the link between tooth loss and death in older adults in a recent study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Oral health... read more »

6 Warning Signs of Tooth Decay

Recognizing these can help prevent simple dental problems from becoming worse by Barbara Sadick, AARP, September 30, 2022 The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on oral health. Because of the current fear of getting sick, people have either avoided seeing their dentist or have been unable to go because of dental office shutdowns. Unfortunately, the consequences are being seen now. In 2021, the... read more »

Patients With Periodontal Disease Have a 13% Higher Risk of Cancer

A research team at Severance Hospital has found that patients with periodontal disease have a higher risk of suffering from cancer, which stresses the need for proper dental care. A Severance Hospital research team has discovered that patients with periodontal disease have a higher risk of suffering from cancer. Periodontal disease causes gum inflammation due to the increased bacteria in... read more »

Opioids Not Needed for Dental Pain, Clinic’s Research Shows

Aug. 17 (UPI) -- A dental clinic that stopped prescribing all opioids reported in a medical journal on Wednesday that its patients managed pain well, and that the decision most likely helped many patients steer clear of opioid abuse. The research letter compared prescribing patterns for opioid and non-opioid analgesics, along with patients' dental pain outcomes, before and after the... read more »

Oral Health During Pregnancy – Here’s What All Expectant Moms Should Know

Did you know that sixty to seventy percent of pregnant women develop pregnancy gingivitis? Here's how to prevent and treat dental problems during pregnancy. Written by Editorial Team | Updated: August 9, 2022, 12:14 PM IST Surely you must have heard the proverb "for every child a tooth," which implies that a mother can anticipate losing a tooth with every pregnancy... read more »