Jeffrey – Single Implant
Hi, my name is Jeffrey Santos. I was born without a tooth, so I never had one. It was always tough throughout my life. One day, my mom recommended Dr. Sonick, as well as my orthodontist. I mentioned it to my dentist, Dr. Landon, who is also in Fairfield. I came to the consensus that if three people gave me the green light to go to Dr. Sonick, then, you know what, it sounds like a good idea. Eventually, I ended up here at Dr. Sonick’s office. I had a bone graft that took six months to heal, and then I got the implant and I had to wait another two months or so. Eventually, I went back to Dr. Landon for the crown. The crown went on and I came back to Dr. Sonick and he said everything looks good. I was extremely happy with the result and just this whole process with Dr. Sonick. It’s been amazing. I mean, he’s been a helping hand. The staff has been amazing. Throughout the surgery, there was no discomfort, before or after. They treated me very well. They gave me music during my surgery. I’m here now and I really couldn’t be any happier.