JoAnn – Front teeth Implants
Hello, my name is JoAnn Davidson, and I’m from Westport. I’m 86 years old. I think I’m older than anybody else on a video here! I want to tell you how I broke my teeth. I bit into a crust in the restaurant, and I could feel that both my two front teeth had broken. One of them was supporting the other from an injury I had when I was a little girl. I had broken half of the tooth off and it had died, and the two were connected, so I had broken two at once. And I was sitting at lunch with three friends, three older ladies like me, and I said, “I think I broke my teeth. I’m going to have to get a dentist!” and three of them in unison said, “Dr. Sonick!” I had never heard of Dr. Sonick, but that’s where I went because my three friends said to. They had often been patients at his too.
When I came to the office, I was really impressed with the new instruments and the cameras and the way they presented what was going to happen with models and pictures. I really understood what was going to happen and the cost was right up front. I appreciated that. Everybody was very professional when I had the implants done. They were very caring and talked about my recovery and things I could do if I had pain. But it was really pretty easy. Everybody else that I’ve had anything to do with here, including Dr. Sonick himself, is very good. I hope everyone has as good of an experience as I did!