Judy – Smile Makeover
Hi. My name is Judy Moxhay. I’m a patient of Dr. Ma. Several years ago, I went to see my regular dentist, Dr. Hacker, because of serious dental problems I was having. I have a chronic kidney condition which causes me to use pain medication and it really destroyed my teeth. I was very embarrassed about it. It took me a while to go to the dentist, but Dr. Hacker referred me to Dr. Ma and they sat down with me. They discussed everything they could do for me and we worked out a plan. It was wonderful. Everybody was so friendly, so open, and it made me feel at such ease. We got started and it took quite a while. I never really suffered any pain through any of this. They just worked with me so well and then, at the end, I have these beautiful teeth again. I am just so happy I can smile again! I just couldn’t smile anymore. Everything is finished, everything is wonderful, my mouth just feels great and I am so pleased and so appreciative with everybody here at Dr. Sonick and Dr. Ma’s office.