Katsuhiko – Front Implant
Hi. My name is Katsuhiko Yokoi. I’m from Japan and I’ve been living here over 30 years. Over 20 years ago, I had implants in New York City, and I thought, this is going to last for my lifetime. But it didn’t. It just fell out a year and a half ago. I really really needed to have very good implants, good teeth in the front, and my friend talked to Dr. Samuel, who was practicing dentistry in Bedford. I actually knew he was a very good dentist, but I never had any experience with him. I want to see him. I needed a new implant. My implant post had cracked, and he said, okay, no problem, he will send me to talk to Dr. Sonick in Fairfield. I didn’t know Dr. Sonick. I didn’t know where to go, but Dr. Samuel said, don’t worry, he is a top gum surgeon. And when I came here, I was kind of a little bit nervous. I didn’t know where to sit. But all the nurses, all the receptionists and desk people and all the assistants working for Dr. Sonick, everybody comforted me and were so nice. I knew this was a place they would do the best job for me, without any doubt. They are such nice people. I feel like a family already! And over the years, in my experiences with Dr. Sonick, he was always comforting me and he was very very over-the-top. Everybody was so professional. And here I am a year and a half later. I have all my teeth back and I can smile! I really want to say thank you to all the staff at Dr. Sonick’s office, and Dr. Sonick, and Dr. Samuel. Everybody worked so beautifully. Thank you very much