Khaled – Single Implant
Hi! My name is Khaled Altassan. I’m a physician here in Connecticut. I grew up in a foreign country where the first time you see a dentist is when you need to take your tooth out. And the first time I saw my dentist when I was 20 years old, I was having a lot of pain because of root problems, and they did a root canal, and they also removed one of my teeth growing inside, scratching against my tongue. Since then, the space between my teeth narrowed, and I had trouble with that gap in my teeth. I was then referred to Dr. Sonick by one of the local dentists here, and he spoke really highly of Dr. Sonick. He spoke about his publication and that he is actually teaching this procedure where he does the implant in a shorter visit with good outcomes. So I saw Dr. Sonick for a dental implant. It was the most seamless, painless experience I had ever had — and I have actually had a lot of dentists. I have lived in multiple parts of the world. I’ve seen dentists in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Chicago, Houston, Texas, and by far, Dr. Sonick was the best dentist I have ever had an experience with. I volunteered for this video, and I just wanted to wish Dr. Sonick well. I’m actually leaving Connecticut to live in another state, and I just wanted to wish him well, and I hope he can help other patients the same way he helped me. Thank you.