Miggs – Multiple Implants
My name is Miggs Burroughs. I’m a graphic artist in Westport and, I think, it might have been 12 or 15 years ago when I went to my dentist, Dr. Regenstein, and he gave me the dreaded news that I needed an implant. He recommended Dr. Sonick here in Fairfield, so I went to the office and made an appointment. The staff was very welcoming and warm and friendly, and it immediately put me at ease. And that’s a big part of it. Entering those kinds of situations, you wanna feel good and feel comfortable, which I did. Then, when I went into the procedure room with Dr. Sonick, it turns out I had known him from running! I didn’t know him as a doctor, and he didn’t know who I was, but we knew each other, we had a nodding acquaintance as runners. We immediately started talking about running, which was a good way to bond, and music also. It turns out we’d gone to some of the same concerts. He just has a great way about him. He makes a personal connection that’s authentic and highly professional at the same time. Once he got down to business everything was very professional. The staff who were helping him, the two assistants who were helping him with the procedure, also put me at ease. There was some talk back and forth, and they made sure I was comfortable, made sure it felt like a normal procedure. It was a very normal procedure; it turned out fine. I’ve had several implants in, all with the same great success. They always follow-up to see how you’re doing, and I just love coming here. The best part is getting the free dental floss at the end. Maybe I’m the only one, so maybe I shouldn’t brag about it, but I get this free dental floss at the end of every procedure. I save hundreds of dollars! Anyway, thank you, Dr. Sonick and your staff.