Rebecca – Single Implant
Hi! I’m Becky Tylutki, and about 8 years ago, I fell in my driveway, on my way to work, and I cracked my tooth, and a few days later, we had to extract it. It was one of my top molars, so it left a big gaping hole in my tooth, in my mouth, and made it difficult to eat, and also affected my smile. But I went eight years without doing anything about it until finally my general dentist decided it was a good idea to go see Dr. Sonick, and it was time to get the tooth before more problems occurred in my mouth because of the gaping hole. So Dr. Sonick was wonderful. He broke it up into a couple sessions and everything that he explained to me that was going to happen, happened. The procedures were virtually painless. There was no pain. The recovery was quick and easy and spread over a period of time. Everything was done so that it gave it time to heal properly, so there were no problems whatsoever. In the end, after the procedures, I went back to my dentist. He created the tooth. He put it in. And now I have a real tooth there, no gaping holes. It’s wonderful. I can eat. I can smile. Everything was great. Dr. Sonick, he really did a beautiful job. I am very happy with it.