Rick – Multiple Implants
Hi. My name is Rick Varrone. I came to Dr. Sonick about 20 years ago because my teeth were literally falling out of my head. I lost four teeth in about a year-and-a-half, and the dentist said I was going to and told me it was my fault because of my poor home care. So I came to Dr. Sonick, and he instantly identified my problem as a hereditary periodontal disease and went to work. I ended up getting four implants. I had four bone grafts. The whole process took about two years. That was about 20 years ago. Today, I can smile, and I have all my teeth, including my implants. I can eat anything I want. I never have any problems, and in the last 20 years, I’ve never had a problem with any periodontal since I started coming to Dr. Sonick. I come every single time I’m told to for my visits for my cleanings. I make sure I do my home care, and I’ve had no problems under Dr. Sonick’s care for 20 years. I am a happy guy. I would recommend anyone with any kind of periodontal or any kind of tooth problems to come here before they go anywhere else and get fixed right, so you can have a nice big smile.